I would like to propose a flexible as-needed framework for the workstream and its contributers / team members in which we will be responsible for the translation work, as well as evaluation / quality check. In addition, I would like to lead this initiative, with my credentials in both leading international teams, as well as doing similar work in the process of vetting translators for whitepapers.
As project leader, I will lead the initiative and be the central glue of this special project. Some of my many duties will include:
Actively seeking and recruiting hard working, decentralification-loving, passionate members in the international blockchain community that are seeking to join the ShapeShift DAO as a contributing member.
Developing a repository of content that is well organized, important, and somewhat streamlined for me and my future team to work on with translations (see section below).
Finishing the development of the FoxDoc Repo and continuing to make improvements, possibly collaborating with the engineering team when/if needed.
graymachine will be joining as the co-leader for this workstream. With his proven ability to create visual media that is professional, easy to understand, and engaging, as well as his real world experience as a Content Producer and Product Manager, he would be an excellent addition to kick off the team. As co-leader his duties will include:
Every member of the team, starting from the leader down to the language leaders, will have a term-limit of 4 months.